Sunday 10 July 2016

Tips & Information #1

How about, I make this blog a bit informative. Lets see for what all examinations and consultations you are going to have from the start of week 6 till the 40th.....

Trimester 1-3 :: very crucial time so take all possible care you can to save your self. Every thing I do now is with a cautious effort, the though running through my mind that I have a life in my hands. 

Trimester 1 :: (Week 1 to Week 12) 

Recommended Medicines :: Folic Acid tabulates 
Workout :: 15 mins walk, chanting of OM & deep breathing.
Doctor's visit ::  Once every month (Approx)

Medical Tests UPT :: Detecting pregnancy from urine of the expecting lady.
ANV Profile :: This blood test measures the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the mothers' blood during pregnancy
NT Scan :: Now that the spin has developed here is NT scan to heck the growth of baby.
Double Marker :: Blood test for thorough analysis of baby's health, growth and brain development.

Trimester 2 :: (Week 13 to Week 26)

Recommended Medicines :: Calcium & Iron tabulates 
Workout :: 30 mins walk, chanting of OM & deep breathing.
Doctor's visit ::  Once every 2-4 weeks (Approx)

Medical Tests
Anomaly Scan :: Yet another in-depth scan to check the kidney, pancreas, limbs and over all growth. Any abnormality is growth can be detected here. 
4D-USG :: Get a 4D view of your baby. Make sure to get the appointment in an hour when your baby is active and moves a lot. You can get your baby's click from many angles.
Hb. OCT. Urine :: Hemoglobin, Glucose, RBC and more. Intent if this test is to find out any deficites of vitamins and change medicines accordingly. 
IDCT :: This was done for me since I have O (Negative) and  my husband has O (Positive) blood group. There are chances of antibodies to be generated and attack RBC. 
Injections :: The Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine is given during your pregnancy to prevent the risk of tetanus to you as well as your unborn baby. 

Trimester 3 :: (Week 27 to till you see your baby)

Recommended Medicines :: Calcium & Iron tabulates. 
Depending on your test results from previous blood & urine tests, few medicines can add up.
Workout :: 45 mins walk, chanting of OM & deep breathing. Listen to soothing music and your baby can hear voices !!
Doctor's visit ::  Every 2 weeks from Week 28 to 36. Every week from 37 to the rest of the weeks.

Medical Tests
Doppler :: This is a form of ultrasound scan that helps to assess your baby's health. It measures the blood flow in different parts of your baby's body, such as his umbilical cord, brain and heart. This helps to show whether he's getting all the oxygen and nutrients he needs via the placenta.
Obst. USG :: This is measured by his biophysical profile. A healthy baby: stretches and flexes, moves his arms and legs frequently opens and closes his hands, makes breathing movements.
Hb. BSL f/pp. Urine :: Repeat of test from 2nd Trimester to check again glucose , hemoglobin, RBC and more......
NST :: The nonstress test is a simple, noninvasive way of checking on your baby's health. The test records your baby's movement, heartbeat, and contractions. It notes changes in heart rhythm when your baby goes from resting to moving, or during contractions if you're in labor.

So many Scans !! Is it harmful ?
Ultrasound scans are considered safe for mums-to-be and their babies, if conducted by a trained ultrasound doctor and according to the relevant medical guidelines. Even so, you should only have a scan if there are clear medical reasons for it.