Tuesday 28 June 2016

Now I can see you

Now that I know I have you in me the ideal next step is to visit a professional. Now I happened to visit this really funny doctor who is always smiling and relaxed. That helped ! 
As I explained the doctor of the symptoms I am having her smile got bigger. Never in my life I had faced this. Generally you tell a doctor about feeling nauseated, tired, constipated, heartburn, indigestion, etc, the doctor starts writing down lots of medicines. But this was completely different. All these symptoms are good, no its actually great. However, to cross check the home pregnancy test and confirm if the baby is in the uterus or outside the first ultrasound is recommended. A very wage image or you nit bigger than a nail head, may be a quarter of an inch was the size. May be its a emotional stupid mother talking but my baby was very cute. It was the 6th week. 

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