Sunday 26 February 2017

It's time my baby !!

It was 24th October 2016, evening around 6 :00 PM I felt little extra movement within me. I told your nani that something triggered after we had that spicy pani puri. She asked me to lie down and stay positive. Soon after I could feel the water broke and I panicked. No one told this will happen. I called doctor then you daddy. Daddy was at vegetable shop, negotiating ! He rushed home as I called him and soon we were on our way to Cloud nine to get you home by baby.  

 Once at hospital the doctors were in action along with helpers, nurses and daddy running to get all formalities done along with arranging for blood. After few hours at 11:11 PM at night, nana, nani and papa waiting outside I was in the OT, loosing to the effect of anesthesia, I could see in the reflection of the sealing the doctor took you out and patted. Right then you started your first cry. It was the most soothing sound I ever heard. The nurse cleaned and wrapped you in cloth. There, right at that moment 11:11 PM IST I touched you for the first time. You were looking all around like you wanted to grasp it all in once glance. Curious, quite and calm as always. Right then as I looked into your eyes, I felt that it has to be Nayonika. All confusions on picking name were sorted looking at your eyes.
Off you went to sleep and me on sedatives. 

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