Monday 26 September 2016

Nuchal translucency Scan

Baby, your daddy is home. He moved back to Pune to be able to see you grow in me.I have put on few kgs and you have bulged a bit. But daddy still feels i'm the same :P.

Your dada, nana & nani around now. All we talk about is you. Will you resemble me or daddy. What name will suite you the best. Everyone here has been waiting for you since long. Most expressive and happy is your dada. He already decided names but I won't tell you yet.

Nuchal translucency Scan is next and we are excited to see you again. It 12 weeks and 3 days. We could see your face and tiny limbs. Tiny sockets for eyes, nose and lips. You are shaping up, I wonder like me or your daddy. As we watched you in the monitor while the radiologist was scanning my tummy, I could see the joy in eyes of your papa. I'm sure his curious mind had 100s of questions, but he was watching you quietly. 

I take an extra pillow while sleeping, its very comforting. 

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