Tuesday 27 September 2016

Anomaly Scan 19 Weeks

We are almost halfway through baby....Week 19, close to 20 feels like we are almost there. I still hear stories of to-be-mother having trouble sleeping, indigestion and a lot of such issues. But here we are supporting each other. You growing inside me, I growing matured to be able to give you better life. I love you kid. 

So here is yet another scan...Anomaly Scan is what they call it. It shows that you are 301 gms. You look so much like a baby with all limbs in proportion to head and body. Your sensors are developing so I have started singing to you kid. I think our choice in music match a lot, however you don't enjoy much of classical as yet.

I lie down quietly at times in the morning, after your daddy leaves for work. And I can feel you in me. Like a tiny butterfly in my abdomen...

There you are, limbs that give me the feel of butterfly.....So cute and perfect. The Radiologist said you didn't like the rays of sonography and moved your hands over face. One healthy bundle of joy with cute little hands and legs. A strong spin developing. You know you are now size of a really bug Mango....:P 

Waiting for the next 4-D scan to feel you close to me......

Lots of love my child. 

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