Thursday 6 October 2016

Kicks, Hiccups & Punches

It started with a feeling of a butterfly within me in 3rd month. Later it felt like a bubble bursting inside me every now and then. 
Everyone said its too early to feel you kid. But I did. 

And on 24th August 2016 I could see a bumpy bulge on upper part of my tummy. It was you, reaching out to me from within. As I held your daddy's hand on my tummy, you kicked again kid. For the first time it felt so real.  

Most of the mornings I wake-up with your kick. I can see you move your feet around. It happens all day when I am at work. Sometimes I feel light movement near lower part of my tummy, I like to assume it to be your tiny little hands.

Sometimes there is heartbeat like feeling near my belly button. I think its you having hiccups.

My tiny little butterfly, I am waiting for you to come in my arms and rock you while I watch you do all that I could only imagine and assume to be.

Tips & Information #2

LOTs & LOTs & LOTs of Fluid.......

Learn it the hard way or proactively. 

Fluid is of utmost importance in 1st & 3rd Trimester. 

During 1st Trimester it helps reduce the nausea and dizziness.

While in 3rd Trimester it keeps the amniotic fluid level intact. The fluid intake is taken up by your baby through the umbilical cord and is secreted by your baby inside the womb, forming the amniotic fluid which in return again helps to increase the level.

Ideal level of the fluid should be from 8 to 18 during 3rd Trimester. Any level down in this will lead to preterm delivery and impact kidney & lungs of your little one.

- Mousambi Juice
- Pomegranate Juice
- Starch from Rice
- Ragi Math
- Butter Milk
- Coconut Water
- Water

Be caution, increase fluid intake of all forms.