Thursday 6 October 2016

Kicks, Hiccups & Punches

It started with a feeling of a butterfly within me in 3rd month. Later it felt like a bubble bursting inside me every now and then. 
Everyone said its too early to feel you kid. But I did. 

And on 24th August 2016 I could see a bumpy bulge on upper part of my tummy. It was you, reaching out to me from within. As I held your daddy's hand on my tummy, you kicked again kid. For the first time it felt so real.  

Most of the mornings I wake-up with your kick. I can see you move your feet around. It happens all day when I am at work. Sometimes I feel light movement near lower part of my tummy, I like to assume it to be your tiny little hands.

Sometimes there is heartbeat like feeling near my belly button. I think its you having hiccups.

My tiny little butterfly, I am waiting for you to come in my arms and rock you while I watch you do all that I could only imagine and assume to be.

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