Thursday 6 October 2016

Kicks, Hiccups & Punches

It started with a feeling of a butterfly within me in 3rd month. Later it felt like a bubble bursting inside me every now and then. 
Everyone said its too early to feel you kid. But I did. 

And on 24th August 2016 I could see a bumpy bulge on upper part of my tummy. It was you, reaching out to me from within. As I held your daddy's hand on my tummy, you kicked again kid. For the first time it felt so real.  

Most of the mornings I wake-up with your kick. I can see you move your feet around. It happens all day when I am at work. Sometimes I feel light movement near lower part of my tummy, I like to assume it to be your tiny little hands.

Sometimes there is heartbeat like feeling near my belly button. I think its you having hiccups.

My tiny little butterfly, I am waiting for you to come in my arms and rock you while I watch you do all that I could only imagine and assume to be.

Tips & Information #2

LOTs & LOTs & LOTs of Fluid.......

Learn it the hard way or proactively. 

Fluid is of utmost importance in 1st & 3rd Trimester. 

During 1st Trimester it helps reduce the nausea and dizziness.

While in 3rd Trimester it keeps the amniotic fluid level intact. The fluid intake is taken up by your baby through the umbilical cord and is secreted by your baby inside the womb, forming the amniotic fluid which in return again helps to increase the level.

Ideal level of the fluid should be from 8 to 18 during 3rd Trimester. Any level down in this will lead to preterm delivery and impact kidney & lungs of your little one.

- Mousambi Juice
- Pomegranate Juice
- Starch from Rice
- Ragi Math
- Butter Milk
- Coconut Water
- Water

Be caution, increase fluid intake of all forms.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Anomaly Scan 19 Weeks

We are almost halfway through baby....Week 19, close to 20 feels like we are almost there. I still hear stories of to-be-mother having trouble sleeping, indigestion and a lot of such issues. But here we are supporting each other. You growing inside me, I growing matured to be able to give you better life. I love you kid. 

So here is yet another scan...Anomaly Scan is what they call it. It shows that you are 301 gms. You look so much like a baby with all limbs in proportion to head and body. Your sensors are developing so I have started singing to you kid. I think our choice in music match a lot, however you don't enjoy much of classical as yet.

I lie down quietly at times in the morning, after your daddy leaves for work. And I can feel you in me. Like a tiny butterfly in my abdomen...

There you are, limbs that give me the feel of butterfly.....So cute and perfect. The Radiologist said you didn't like the rays of sonography and moved your hands over face. One healthy bundle of joy with cute little hands and legs. A strong spin developing. You know you are now size of a really bug Mango....:P 

Waiting for the next 4-D scan to feel you close to me......

Lots of love my child. 

Monday 26 September 2016

Nuchal translucency Scan

Baby, your daddy is home. He moved back to Pune to be able to see you grow in me.I have put on few kgs and you have bulged a bit. But daddy still feels i'm the same :P.

Your dada, nana & nani around now. All we talk about is you. Will you resemble me or daddy. What name will suite you the best. Everyone here has been waiting for you since long. Most expressive and happy is your dada. He already decided names but I won't tell you yet.

Nuchal translucency Scan is next and we are excited to see you again. It 12 weeks and 3 days. We could see your face and tiny limbs. Tiny sockets for eyes, nose and lips. You are shaping up, I wonder like me or your daddy. As we watched you in the monitor while the radiologist was scanning my tummy, I could see the joy in eyes of your papa. I'm sure his curious mind had 100s of questions, but he was watching you quietly. 

I take an extra pillow while sleeping, its very comforting. 

News was published

And this is how everyone reacted to hear about you. 

Daddy was the first one to know. He is not very expressive but his calling me multiple times that evening showed his reaction. Since he was not around when I took the test he had heaps of questions How the home pregnancy test works and if I followed the instructions as mentioned on the pack.

Your nanijee was super excited and acted as if she already knew. Nanajee reacted very much like our daddy. With all his concerns and satisfied.

Everyone else is already a mama, nana, nani, dada.... Its only your mausi who got this title with your news. She right away booked 2 books for me to learn and act upon while I carry you within. She also got annoyed for why I didn't inform her before he booked tickets for nana and nani to visit her.

I informed your mama and mani over phone. Mamajee, he told to take rest. There is a different kind of silence and calmness he has. You can feel his deep felt happiness whn you talk to him. Mami as she is, started with a huge list of instructions. What to do, what not to do, read this book, consult this to the doctor. All showed how much she cared.

When your daddy visited Pune, we informed Vijeta bua. Her first statement was, "congrats it has been long something so positive happened at home". She loves your daddy I could hear from her voice for how happy she is for him.

One of the days while talking to Mani phuphajee I told him about you. "Isn't it too early" he asked. Mani phupha is very charming & knowledgeable . You are going to have gala time with him. 

Your Dadajee....tears rolled out of his eyes as your nanajee told him over phone. He called me and asked to take care. Most intense it was. It felt like his prayers were answered. Yet another instance where he made me feel very special. By the way, he is the one who will pamper you the most and spoil you. :P

Weeks are longer

Daddy talks to me everyday after office and takes updates on you. He sounds excited. I keep nagging him to come back to Pune. He can have closure experience of you growing in me. I have still not caught hold of the fact that I have a soul within me.But, it does feel special to have a miracle in me my baby. I wonder for why does it takes 9 months for a baby to develop. Isn't it too long. It should take just 3 months or so. I feel bubbles in my stomach and a little butterfly moving inside me. Everyone says its too early to feel you, but I do. We are n 9th week and 4th week seem so long baby...... :-^  :-^

Sunday 10 July 2016

Tips & Information #1

How about, I make this blog a bit informative. Lets see for what all examinations and consultations you are going to have from the start of week 6 till the 40th.....

Trimester 1-3 :: very crucial time so take all possible care you can to save your self. Every thing I do now is with a cautious effort, the though running through my mind that I have a life in my hands. 

Trimester 1 :: (Week 1 to Week 12) 

Recommended Medicines :: Folic Acid tabulates 
Workout :: 15 mins walk, chanting of OM & deep breathing.
Doctor's visit ::  Once every month (Approx)

Medical Tests UPT :: Detecting pregnancy from urine of the expecting lady.
ANV Profile :: This blood test measures the level of alpha-fetoprotein in the mothers' blood during pregnancy
NT Scan :: Now that the spin has developed here is NT scan to heck the growth of baby.
Double Marker :: Blood test for thorough analysis of baby's health, growth and brain development.

Trimester 2 :: (Week 13 to Week 26)

Recommended Medicines :: Calcium & Iron tabulates 
Workout :: 30 mins walk, chanting of OM & deep breathing.
Doctor's visit ::  Once every 2-4 weeks (Approx)

Medical Tests
Anomaly Scan :: Yet another in-depth scan to check the kidney, pancreas, limbs and over all growth. Any abnormality is growth can be detected here. 
4D-USG :: Get a 4D view of your baby. Make sure to get the appointment in an hour when your baby is active and moves a lot. You can get your baby's click from many angles.
Hb. OCT. Urine :: Hemoglobin, Glucose, RBC and more. Intent if this test is to find out any deficites of vitamins and change medicines accordingly. 
IDCT :: This was done for me since I have O (Negative) and  my husband has O (Positive) blood group. There are chances of antibodies to be generated and attack RBC. 
Injections :: The Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine is given during your pregnancy to prevent the risk of tetanus to you as well as your unborn baby. 

Trimester 3 :: (Week 27 to till you see your baby)

Recommended Medicines :: Calcium & Iron tabulates. 
Depending on your test results from previous blood & urine tests, few medicines can add up.
Workout :: 45 mins walk, chanting of OM & deep breathing. Listen to soothing music and your baby can hear voices !!
Doctor's visit ::  Every 2 weeks from Week 28 to 36. Every week from 37 to the rest of the weeks.

Medical Tests
Doppler :: This is a form of ultrasound scan that helps to assess your baby's health. It measures the blood flow in different parts of your baby's body, such as his umbilical cord, brain and heart. This helps to show whether he's getting all the oxygen and nutrients he needs via the placenta.
Obst. USG :: This is measured by his biophysical profile. A healthy baby: stretches and flexes, moves his arms and legs frequently opens and closes his hands, makes breathing movements.
Hb. BSL f/pp. Urine :: Repeat of test from 2nd Trimester to check again glucose , hemoglobin, RBC and more......
NST :: The nonstress test is a simple, noninvasive way of checking on your baby's health. The test records your baby's movement, heartbeat, and contractions. It notes changes in heart rhythm when your baby goes from resting to moving, or during contractions if you're in labor.

So many Scans !! Is it harmful ?
Ultrasound scans are considered safe for mums-to-be and their babies, if conducted by a trained ultrasound doctor and according to the relevant medical guidelines. Even so, you should only have a scan if there are clear medical reasons for it. 

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Now I can see you

Now that I know I have you in me the ideal next step is to visit a professional. Now I happened to visit this really funny doctor who is always smiling and relaxed. That helped ! 
As I explained the doctor of the symptoms I am having her smile got bigger. Never in my life I had faced this. Generally you tell a doctor about feeling nauseated, tired, constipated, heartburn, indigestion, etc, the doctor starts writing down lots of medicines. But this was completely different. All these symptoms are good, no its actually great. However, to cross check the home pregnancy test and confirm if the baby is in the uterus or outside the first ultrasound is recommended. A very wage image or you nit bigger than a nail head, may be a quarter of an inch was the size. May be its a emotional stupid mother talking but my baby was very cute. It was the 6th week. 

Monday 27 June 2016

Our first moment together

Though I had a good night sleep I was feeling very tired and sleepy at 6 AM. Time when I used to go for my runs. I felt like going back to sleep but with no other option I dragged myself off the bed and started my day. Since last few days I was able to sustain the drowsiness and get on with my work. But it was different today. A bit feverish, constipated, little too much saliva. It felt like I am hungry from ages so I ate whatever i saw at tuck shop in office.

Somewhere deep down I knew what was it. My husband insisted to get the home pregnancy test done asap. I couldn't say it but I was worried with all the pros and corns running through my mind. What if I am expecting and what if I am not !!

Well, So on 31st March I dared to get through it and bought the home pregnancy test. Closed the doors of my room and read through the instructions to use it and interpret the results.

With two drops in the sample well I watched the C and T indicator. The fluid passed through C mark making a pink vertical line. I kept looking at it as the whole strip was moist and ended up with 2 pink lines. 

That was it. The result was positive. It was my first moment with my baby.....There are no words for what I felt.